The following puzzles are in this set. Click on the individual puzzle name to get a more descriptive view of each puzzle: Boxing Glove, Elephant, The Leo II, The Leo III, Chinese Lanterns II, Lucky Lantern, Dentist 4 in 1, Double Scissors, Dentist II, Chinese Soft Ring, Grenade I, Grenade II, Wholly B&C, Maze B&C, Headless Knight, Balloon, No Return, Mammoth, Three Coins, Jack's Ladder, Buddha, Dig Ears, Doraemon, Gloves, Jack's Ladder II, Mobius Ring, Ring The Bell, Sax I, Sax II, Sax III, Scissors I, Scissors II, Sewing Machine, Three Body, Weigh Anchor, Clover, Pinocchio, The Leo,