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Mah Jong - Silver Set
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Mah Jong - Silver Set

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ObjectMatch the tiles.
BrandCHH Games
TypeStrategy Games
PackagingAluminum Case

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Product Info

Maker:  CHH Games

Age:   10+

Mahjong is a game that originated in China and is similar to rummy.

Mah Jong involves skill, strategy, calculation and luck. You can neatly store all the game pieces in the convenient Aluminum Case when you're done playing. The case is easy to store, has metal latches to ensure the case doesn't open accidently, and has a handle if you're on the go.


166 Tiles (4 Blanks, 2 Jokers)
4 Color Clear Racks
3 Dice
1 Bag of Chips
1 Bidder
1 Instruction Booklet

Players:  4

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