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Mosaic Rudenko - New Year
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Mosaic Rudenko - New Year

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ObjectMove the pieces to form a new picture
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypeSliding Pieces Puzzles
Dimensions4.3 in x 4.7 in x 0.4 in / 11 cm x 12 cm x 1.1 cm

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Product Info

Warning!  The puzzle of this package is all in Russian.  The instructions are in Russian as well.  I have translated the instructions here as best as I can.

The game offers a pleasant way to spend time

  • develops logical thinking
  • and intelligence
  • promotes the development of motor skills and coordination
  • develops the imagination
  • trains the memory.

Mosaic consists of sixteen tiles. Each tile - a fragment of the total picture.
The goal:  assemble a picture by moving the tiles on the slots. At the bottom of the game are clues.
Rules of the game: two-way game. Assemble a picture on one side, flip the game on the other side and collect the new picture.

One side: Santa Claus standing on either side of Christmas trees. Rearrange the tiles so that they stand side by side.

Seond side: Collect patterns of colored tiles (horizontal and vertical, diagonal, colored squares).

Designed by Valery Rudenko from Russia.

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