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Penny Hockey
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Penny Hockey

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ObjectFlick the penny into your opponent's goal
BrandCreative Crafthouse
TypesDave Janelle, Wood Games
Dimensions20.1 in x 13 in x 1.9 in / 51 cm x 33 cm x 4.7 cm

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The size measures 20" x 13" and weighs nearly 5 pounds.  It is a finely crafted, substantial and rugged game that should last for years.

The object of the game is to score a goal by flicking the penny into the small hole located at your opponents end.
It is a game that is super easy to play, just flick the penny with your finger.  BUT, it is difficult to play this well, and its a game that you can develop great skill at.  You must play the angles and work around opponents men (fixed pegs in the board).  You must control your speed too, because if hit to hard it may bound back and give your opponent and easy shot.

It is such fun!!  These are top quality items.  Hardwood construction and built to last.
This game is amazing.  It will bring all ages and personalities together in a fun and exciting environment.

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