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Heaths Deciphering Dice
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Heaths Deciphering Dice

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BrandCreative Crafthouse
TypesMagic Items, Dave Janelle
Dimensions5.25 in x 1.5 in x 1 in / 13.3 cm x 3.8 cm x 2.5 cm

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Product Info

1927 Royal V. Heath marketed a magic effect called “The Di-Ciphering Trick” based on a math trick developed by Edmund Balducci.  It consisted of these 5 dice cubes bearing a different 3 digit number on each face – 30 numbers in all.  A spectator would roll the dice and the magician would quickly announce the sum of all the numbers.  Quite amazing given that there are over 7700 different  combination of numbers that could show on the 5 cubes.  If you want to know the secret of the dice, you can watch the video, but I don't want to spoil it for those that may not want to know now.  But, rest assured that if you can do quite simple addition in your head you can used these dice with great effect.

Made in Spring Hill with the 7/8" Dice having numbers deeply laser engraved.  Case with dice measures about 5 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 2"

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