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Get My Goat
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Get My Goat

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ObjectMove the goat piece to the middle
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandCreative Crafthouse
TypeDave Janelle

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Product Info

This is a sliding block puzzle where the object is to move the piece with the Goat on it to the position inside the cage. The cage must be intact with the Goat inside. It is moderately difficult with a minimum of 36 moves required if no mistakes are made. It took Gym about an hour and a half to solve this one. The puzzle dates from 1914. This is all hardwood construction and the patterns are all deeply laser engraved. Its a beautiful puzzle to look at and should last forever:) Comes with base and cover so you can keep all the pieces protected and even pickup a game later on where you left off. The starting position of the puzzle is laser engraved into the cover so that you can put it back to the original starting orientation any time you want to start over. Something unique and special from Creative Crafthouse.

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