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Ticket To Ride
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Ticket To Ride

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ObjectTravel by rail to the most cities in North America.
BrandDays of Wonder
TypeFamily Games
PackagingCardboard box

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Product Info

October 2, 1900 - 28 years to the day that noted London eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then won a £20,000 bet that he could travel "Around the World in 80 Days". It's now your turn to gather old friends for a new wager of your own. The stakes: $1 Million in a winner-takes-all competition. The objective: to see which of you can travel by rail to the most cities in North America - in just 7 days. The journey begins immediately...
Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure where players collect cards of various types of train cars that enable them to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America.

Players: 2 - 5
Ages: 8+
Average Game Length: 30 - 60 minutes

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