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Cool Card Tricks - book
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Cool Card Tricks - book

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TypeMagic Items
Dimensions9 1/4 in x 7 2/3 in x 1/3 in / 23.5 cm x 19.4 cm x 0.9 cm

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Product Info

Author: Paul Zenon
ISBN: 1404210857
EAN: 9781404210851

They're tough, they're tricky, they're thought-provoking...and they're almost "impossible" to solve! And that's why people who love puzzles will snatch up this Mensa-level collection to assess their solving skills. It's the ultimate challenge, the best test of mental agility and stamina ever. The brain-wracking selection includes logic problems, lateral thinking, mathematic computations, word games, pattern and theme recognition, and conundrums. Some have grids to fill in; others have charts for working things out; and still more have a visual component (including drawings, diagrams, and geometric figures). With more than 100 puzzles, hours of entertainment lie ahead. And while all the answers are included, the order in which they appear is scrambled--to discourage peeking!

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