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Chill Pill
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Chill Pill

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ObjectOpen the secret chamber.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandElamite Prints
TypeMore Metal Puzzles
Dimensions3.4 cm x 3.4 cm x 8.8 cm / 1.3 in x 1.3 in x 3.5 in
PackagingPlastic Tube

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Product Info

The chill pill is a high quality metal mechanical puzzle, with 2 metal halves machined by hand with some very complex internal workings. This unique puzzle is like no other and is a great test for both new and experienced puzzlers. But no matter your experience, it is a must for anyone that likes the idea of a challenge!

Storyline – The chill pill, a secretive and ingenious invention designed by the world’s top scientist, to keep the secret to our world’s safety secure. Alas, with the environmental and political state of the planet declining rapidly, it’s only a matter of time before we are all in danger. Are you the chosen one to release the answer? Are YOU the hope we all need? With YOU, civilization has a chance of recovery, a chance only unlocked by your participation. Could you be the one to unlock the world’s mysteries, or is it more complex than you could ever imagine?

Objective – Open the secret chamber …

Product Details:

  • 88mm x 34mm x 34mm (nice hand size)
  • Machined external finish
  • 1 brass side, 1 aluminium side
  • Difficulty 8/10
  • Originality 10/10

Comes with a FREE storage box that links with the theme
Includes a theme fitting rules and information sheet

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