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Codenames: XXL
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Codenames: XXL

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ObjectGet teammates to guess words of the correct color.
BrandCzech Games Edition
TypesParty Games, Family Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

It's not a new game - it's classic Codenames, but it's a bigger now!

How big you ask?

Twice as big, which means double the size of the box and cards. Those hoping we would double the size of the timer for more time to think will be disappointed.

Just imagine, the party goes on and on, and you want to play Codenames with as many people as possible. Now everyone will see better thanks to the bigger word cards. Handy, isn't it?

Or, your granny visits you and it would be nice to play something that crosses generations. Was “Fun” meant for Clown or Library? Hard to tell. The sure thing is, however, that older people will read words on the bigger cards better and won't confuse desert with a dessert.

See original game here.

Players: 2 - 8+
Competitive: 4 - 8+
Ages: 10+
Average Game Length: 15 minutes

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