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Fire Within
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Fire Within

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandCanadian Art Prints
Type1-100 Pieces
Dimensions21 cm x 28.5 cm / 8.3 in x 11.2 in
PackagingMetal tin
Total Pieces72

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Product Info


Tracey Metallic is Mi'gmaq artist born and raised on the shores of the Restigouche River.  Tracey's career in painting was launched as a therapeutic outlet, painting cartoon characters for her grandchildren.  When her brush touched the canvas a bright spark was lit.  She connected immediately and has been creating ever since.

Puzzle comes packaged in a metal tin.

Part of the Indigenous On-The-Go Collection.
72 Pieces.
Finished size: Approx. 21 cm x 28.5 cm / 8.3 in x 11.2 in
Art by: Tracey Metallic


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