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ObjectTake apart the pieces and put them back together.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesEuropean Wood Puzzles, Terry Smart
Dimensions12.7 cm x 7.9 cm x 9.9 cm / 5 in x 3.1 in x 3.9 in
PackagingBubble Wrap

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Product Info

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“This wonderful design by Terry Smart was modified and improved by Stephan Baumegger who made a limited production run back in 2016. At the end of that year it was good enough to make it into my top ten puzzles of the year. I am delighted that Pelikan have decided to make more copies available to everyone as it is a stunning burr that looks lovely on display.  As well as that, it is a really fun challenge with some really hard to find moves. The disassembly level is not terribly high at but several crucial moves are incredibly well hidden and there are a lot of possibilities that open up to you as you work your way through. I remembered that I really struggled with Stephan’s version and I did it again this time. After a couple of days of desperately trying to find the missing move, I had my breakthrough. Even after that there are still a lot of moves to sort through to find the rest of the disassembly. I had a wonderful time and now have to go back to my BT file to reassemble it. This one is beautiful on display and a perfect medium challenge.”

This puzzle was crafted in Europe with absolutely fantastic quality. Each of the puzzles of Pelikan design are unparalleled in their class! Every piece of the puzzle is precisely cut and very well made; you cannot find its equal anywhere else. The diversity in wood makes each puzzle a unique masterpiece.

Material: Zebrano, Maple
Designer: Terry Smart
Measures: 127 mm x 79 mm x 99 mm

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