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Golden Pot
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Golden Pot

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ObjectFit all the pieces flush into the tray
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesYavuz Demirhan, Packing Puzzles, European Wood Puzzles
DimensionsApprox. 11.1 cm x 8 cm x 8.2 cm/ 4.37 in x 3.15 in x 3.23 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“When Yavuz designs something, I always pay attention. He is an amazing designer as well as a superb craftsman. The belief that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is a wonderful piece of old Irish folklore and it is quite surprising that a Turkish man living in Germany can get a pair of Czech craftsmen to make it but even without a hint of Ireland in the manufacture, this is a simply wonderful puzzle. It is made with an American Walnut pot, a Merbau, Purpleheart, Garapa and Maple rainbow and Grape pieces. Yavuz has used a subset of the Soma cube pieces (including 3 that are doubled up). The aim is to pack all of them into the pot so that the gold forms a level surface with the rainbow buried in it. This is made really challenging by the fact that there is only a 1 voxel clearance around and underneath the rainbow’s end making the insertion of several pieces quite challenging. I still struggle to assemble a soma cube and anything like this with a restricted entry is a huge challenge for me. Random trial and error didn’t work for the first couple of days and eventually I had to think©. It is actually the restricted entry that is the most important part. It made me stop and work out how I could get the awkward pieces inside – there is only one assembly but there are 2 ways the pieces can be put inside. A really difficult puzzle for me and will be beautiful on display in the puzzle room.”

Designer: Yavuz Demirhan
This puzzle measures: 111 mm x 80 mm x 82 mm
Material: American Walnut, Garapa, Maple, Purpleheart, Merbau


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