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ObjectMulti-challenge packing puzzle
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandAlien Puzzles
TypesPacking Puzzles, 3D Printed Puzzles, Alexander Magyarics
Dimensions13.3 cm x 11.6 cm x 0.6 cm / 5.2 in x 4.6 in x 0.25 in
PackagingPlastic Bag

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Product Info

Hexercise is a multi-challenge 3D printed packing puzzle. 
1)  Use the pieces to completely fill the tray.
2) Take the piece with 1 hexagon and the piece with 2 hexacongs and create a triangle.  Add another pieces with 3 hexagons and make a bigger triangle.  Do the same with 4, 5, 6, .... up to 10 hexagons pieces.  Except the triangle from three pieces (2 solutions) all the others have a unique solution. 
3)  20+ shapes to build from all 10 pieces.  (See enclosed insert)
4) Find the subset of pieces to create the biggest possible equilateral hexagon with no voids.

Design: © Alexander Magyarics



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