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Perplexus Harry Potter: Prophecy
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Perplexus Harry Potter: Prophecy

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ObjectBring the ball all the way through the maze.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandSpin Master
TypeMaze Puzzles
DimensionsApprox. 16 cm diameter / 6.3 in diameter
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

You’ll need a powerful spell to find your way out of this Prophecy! Enter the world of Harry Potter and challenge yourself to a maze game as difficult as Professor McGonagall’s tests! Tilt, spin and flip the Perplexus Prophecy to get the ball from beginning to end without falling off the course. Much like Harry Potter, you’ll face a considerable amount of obstacles as you begin your quest. If the ball slips, head to the beginning and try again! Themed in the world of Harry Potter, this maze game is a perfect addition for fans of the Harry Potter books, movies and puzzles! Alohomora Harry Potter Perplexus!

  • Flip, twist and turn the sphere to solve the puzzle
  • Easy to play but challenging to complete
  • Improves hand-eye coordination and spatial relations
  • Develops motor and dexterity skills
  • Great for travel - no loose pieces

Made by: Spin Master
Ages: 8+

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