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Squaring the Apple
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Squaring the Apple

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ObjectCreate tangram shapes using the pieces.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandVladimir Krasnoukhov
TypesTangram Puzzles, Acrylic Puzzles, Packing Puzzles, Vladimir Krasnoukhov
Dimensions7.3 cm x 7.2 cm x 0.5 cm / 2.9 in x 2.8 in x 0.2 in
Packagingplastic sleeve

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Product Info

This acrylic puzzle consists of an "apple" that is made up of 12 elements, which are a combination of two units.  There are 5 tasks to solve.  Start by laying out all elements on a table.

Task 1: The main task of the puzzle is to construct a square using all 12 elements.  Elements can be flipped and turned by they must not overlap.  (Hence, Squaring the Apple!)

Task 2: 'The Tailor's Problem'.  Fit all 12 elements on a 10x2 strip with cutouts as pictured on the instructions.

Task 3: Construct congruent shapes.  Using the entire set of elements, construct two congruent shapes and the same time.  Find at least 3 solutions. 

Task 4: A difficult task.  Using the entire set of elements, construct simultaneously six symmetrical shapes of the same area.

Task 5: 'Squaring the Pineapple'.  Using all 12 elements you can construct a symmetrical shape with a void inside. 

A great challenge created by Russian designer Vladimir Krasnoukhov.

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