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Escape Mail: Season 1 - Episode 2 Missing Person
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Escape Mail: Season 1 - Episode 2 Missing Person

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ObjectSolve the puzzles to reach the final goal.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandMobile Escape
TypePaper Puzzles
Dimensions24 cm x 10.5 cm / 9.5 in x 4.1 in

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Product Info

Escape Mail is designed to work like an escape room style puzzle where you must solve several puzzles sequentially in order to reach your objective.  You must use your best detective skills to crack codes and find clues. 

After a harrowing cliffhanger in Episode 1, we’re back with cousin JJ in Episode 2. You find that he has been taken hostage by the Hunters but is alive and communicating with you. He’s even sent you an emergency protocol package with which to rescue him. Do you have what it takes to release your cousin from captivity?

How do I play?
1. Open the envelope! Everything you need to get started is inside.
2. Solve escape room-style puzzles, find clues, and crack codes. It’s a self-guided adventure.
3. Repeat and play the next episode in the Season.

What's Included: Addressed envelope, Emergency Protocol slip, Manipulable sonar and plastic finder, Access card, QR scans, Wallet photo, Ticker tape, 4 blank grids, Hint access card, Flow card

Additional resources required: The experience requires users to shade with pencil (bring an eraser!), use a search engine, scan QR codes on a smart phone, and cut precisely with scissors.

Average Game Length: 1-2 hours
Ages: 10+
Players: 1-4

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