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Metal Barrel Puzzle
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Metal Barrel Puzzle

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ObjectRemove the skynet coin from the barrel.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesAndriy Bruns, Premium Collectible Puzzles, More Metal Puzzles
Dimensions3.5 cm diameter x 7.5 cm long / 1.3 in diameter x 2.9 in long
PackagingFoam Box

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Product Info

A new puzzle in the shape of a 55 gallon steel drum!  The reward for successfully opening the barrel is a skynet coin from future 2065.

The puzzle has been machined by hand, and comes as a follow-up to the Machinist's Stash.  There are no hints how to open the barrel on the body of the puzzle itself.  Most of the solve is done blind - you cannot see what is happening on the inside of the puzzle.  Use all your senses to help you figure out the key to this barrel.  It will be a challenging puzzle for many people!

Material: aluminium, bronze and steel.
Size: 35x75 mm.
Weight: 145 g.

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