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The Missing Reindeer - Christmas Puzzle Postcard
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The Missing Reindeer - Christmas Puzzle Postcard

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ObjectSolve the puzzles on the card.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandBrainwork Studios
TypePaper Puzzles
Dimensions21.5 cm x 14 cm / 8.5 in x 5.5 in

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Product Info

Puzzle adventures with a holiday twist! Clue Cards are mysterious puzzle adventures in the form of a postcard.  They are interactive, fun to solve and full of original puzzles. Each game lasts 30 to 60 minutes, and is perfect for 1 to 4 players.

How does it work? 
Read the Story: Each Clue Card contains a delightful, Christmas themed story with a mystery that needs to be solved.
Solve the Puzzles: There are a variety of puzzles in each card. You’ll find things like tricky codes, cryptic ciphers, logic puzzles and more. If you get stuck along the way, a detailed set of hints are always available by scanning the QR code on the postcard.
Win the Game! When you’ve solved all of the puzzles in the game, write down your answer & check the solution online to see if you’re right!

Perfect to send to the puzzle lover for the holidays, or simply enjoy it as a family or for yourself.

The Missing Reindeer:
The sleigh is packed, Santa’s boots are shined and all of the reindeer are ready to go - well, except one…Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is nowhere to be found! Can you figure out where our dear Rudolph is, in time for Christmas Eve?!

Difficulty: Moderate (3/5)

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