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Logic Tangram Premium Set with 64 Play Cards
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Logic Tangram Premium Set with 64 Play Cards

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ObjectRe-create the shape on the challenge card using the pieces.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandWinshare Puzzles & Games
TypeTangram Puzzles
Dimensions19.3 cm x 12.2 cm x 3.8 cm / 7.6 in x 4.8 in x 1.5 in

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Product Info

The Most famous and ancient brain teaser puzzle in the world.  This puzzles has been called by many different names, such as '7 Tricky Pieces', '7 Clever Pieces', 'Chinese Puzzle' and many more, but the most common is 'Tangram'.

The "Tangram" wooden puzzle challenges the puzzler to produce a given silhouette using all of the pieces.
It can be tantalizingly difficult, but also satisfying when the pieces fall into place and even thrilling when you invent a new form.

There are over 1000 different silhouettes you can do and enjoy hours of fun. We provide 43 different shape options for you to start with and you can find many more online.

It comes complete with 2 sets of the 7 wooden pieces Tangram (Total of 14 playing wood pieces) and 43 glossy silhouette cards booklet.
Each card showing on one side the silhouette you can try and build, and the solution on the other side.

Since this game offer 2 sets of the 7 pieces Tangram, there is an option to use it as a 2 player game, when a silhouette card is pulled out, and each of the players try to complete the silhouette first, without looking at the solution.

The puzzle comes with wooden box and matching lid, for safe keeping of the pieces and cards.  Great gift for kids and adults of all ages.

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