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Cluebox MEGABOX: Schrodinger's Cat - Escape Room in a box
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Cluebox MEGABOX: Schrodinger's Cat - Escape Room in a box

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ObjectOpen the box.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesWooden Puzzle Boxes, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes, Sequential Discovery
Dimensions21.3 cm x 21.3 cm x 21.3 cm / 8.4 in x 8.4 in x 8.4 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

This is the MEGABOX version of the original Schrodinger's Cast Cluebox from iDventure.  This large version weighs over 2 kilograms and is approximately 21 cm / 8.4 in tall, but is otherwise identical to its smaller counterpart.

This is an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. In other words, this is an Escape Room in a handy format! There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions.

The story behind the puzzle is based on Schrodingers's cat: 
In 1935, Vienna, an Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger conducted experiments in the area of quantum mechanics and demonstrated that it could be applied to everyday objects.  In his experiment a cat and a portion of poison were put into a box.  Quantum mechanics says that after a while, the cat will be both alive and dead.  Unforumately, Schrodinger got busy and completely forgot about the cat....  We're sure the cat is still alive.  Now it's time to rescue it!

The cluebox consists of 52 individual parts which are precisely cut from high quality birch wood using the finest laser technology.

Facts about the game: You will receive an interactive box with various puzzles.
Play time: 45 – 60 minutes.
Can be solved again by other players.
Ages: 14+

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