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Coal to Diamond
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Coal to Diamond

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ObjectFit the coal pieces in to the tray to form white diamond shape
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandCore Mods
Types3D Printed Puzzles, Jared Petersen, Packing Puzzles
Dimensions10 cm diameter / 3.9 in diameter

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Product Info

Uh oh, looks like Santa gave you coal this year. Or did he? It's a widely-believed fact that common coal can be compressed into diamonds, and this apparatus looks as though it can do just that! So what are you waiting for? Get to crushing that coal into a diamond!

A clever packing-style puzzle in which you must place all the "coal" pieces into the frame so that you can see a smaller white diamond showing through in the center of the tray.

Small pieces; not intended for children. Item is roughly 100mm square in size by 4mm thick. This item is 3D printed and handmade so expect minor imperfections.

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