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Karakuri Visible 3-Ary Drawer (Ternary)
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Karakuri Visible 3-Ary Drawer (Ternary)

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ObjectOpen the box.
DifficultyLevel 6 - Tricky
BrandKarakuri Creation Group
TypesOther Japanese Puzzle Boxes, Other Japanese Puzzle Boxes, Hiroshi Iwahara
Dimensions7.9 cm × 8.7 cm × 7.5 cm / 3.1 in x 3.4 in x 3 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

This work was designed for the Karakuri Puzzle Party in Hakone 2018.  Designer Hiroshi Iwahara wondered, “Is it possible to make items of system such as Binary or Ternary with a very clear design?” 

There are only 3 “drawers”.  It is the minimum number that needed to fully enjoy the system.   It takes 18 moves to open.  When all the 3 “drawers” are correctly maneuvered, you can open the bottom compartment. 

Karakuri Creation Group has beautiful puzzle boxes with unique opening mechanisms and wonderful artistry.  The crafting work of Hakone & Odawara have been passed down through generations from the Edo era.  Today, craftsmen continue these traditions and explore new and interesting high quality works so that the world of the "Karakuri box" continues to evolve.

Comes in a pressboard gift box and includes a solution.
Storage Space Size: 17×44×70mm
Material: walnut, wendge, padoauk, maple, acrylic board

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