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Diagonal Star
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Diagonal Star

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ObjectTake apart and reassemble the plastic pieces.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandPacific Puzzleworks
TypesLee Krasnow, Stewart Coffin, 3D Printed Puzzles
Dimensions4.6 cm x 4.6 cm x 4.6 cm / 1.8 in x 1.8 in x 1.8 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info


6 identical pieces go together to form this 2 inch star!  Your job is to disassemble and then reassemble the plastic pieces.  The name suggests a hint in regards to the solution.  The puzzle is based on Stewart Coffins' Sirius Puzzle (STC#4).

Made in 3 colors of 3D printed plastic by Lee Krasnow from Pacific Puzzleworks.

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