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Puzzlendar - Hex
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Puzzlendar - Hex

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ObjectCover all the spaces except for the current date.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandPeter Gal
TypesPacking Puzzles, Peter Gál
Dimensions14.3 cm x 9.4 cm x 0.8 cm / 5.6 in x 3.7 in x 0.3 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Puzzlendar is a series of puzzles.  Each version is a mixture of a puzzle and a perpetual calendar.  The goal of these puzzles are all the same: fill the tray but leave the current date empty!

The "Hex" version is a monthly calendar. The unusual shape of the elements makes it a hard puzzle. You must cover every hole except the one that show the current date (1-31)

It has 5 tetrahex and 2 pentahex pieces with 31 challenges.

Perfect for the puzzle lover since it can be played again and again.  Great desktop or coffee table challenge too!
Check out the other puzzles in this series!

Made by Péter Gál.

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