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Titan's Treasure Puzzle Lock
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Titan's Treasure Puzzle Lock

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ObjectRemove the small treasure found inside the lock.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandSashko Peshevski
TypesSashko Peshevski, Metal Puzzle Locks, Puzzle Locks
Dimensions4.7 cm x 7.5 cm x 1.7 cm / 1.9 in x 3 in x 0.7 in
PackagingBubble Wrap

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Product Info

This handmade puzzle lock is designed by Sashko Peshevski from Sweden and is a prequel design to Her Key to the Treasure Puzzle Lock.

The Story:
Once upon a time, there was a Titan who was very wealthy and one day he decided to hide his treasure from the other evil forces and lock it. He engraved his name on the lock and marked this special lock with 'K'. Unfortunately he lost his precious treasure. Decades passed and now everyone thinks that the treasure is lost forever.

Is the Titan's treasure lost forever?

Find the hidden treasure guarded by the Titan!
After the treasure is found, hide it again so no one will find it.

No external tools are needed or allowed to be used for finding the treasure 🤔

An innovative design that will leave you wondering where to start...  Ok so what do you haveto work with? A broken key? A neat and difficult puzzle with a great story!

Includes: One titan padlock and One broken key
Comes with a 3D printed stand that you have to assemble (only 2 parts).

Good luck and have fun!

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