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Book of Fire
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Book of Fire

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ObjectOpen the box.
DifficultyLevel 10 - Mind Boggling
BrandTuan Djeems
TypesPuzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes, Wooden Puzzle Boxes, Tuan Djeems
Dimensions20 cm x 16.5 cm x 5 cm / 7.9 in x 6.5 in x 2 in
PackagingBubble Wrap

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Product Info

The Book of Fire is a difficult book-shaped puzzle box that is made by creator Tuan Djeems.  His passion has always been for designing, and he has taken to handcrafting his own puzzle boxes. This box is made of a combination of wood, acrylic and plywood that displays a dancing flame cut into the acrylic on the front.  There is a notched slider that is also on the front of the box, but this seems to be the only other hint as to how the box might be opened... 

An incredibly unique and satisfying solution that will leave you wanting to share it with someone else!  It is also perfect to be displayed as a centerpiece of a collection or an eye-catcher in the living room.


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