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Rubik's Master Cube (4x4)
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Rubik's Master Cube (4x4)

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ObjectMix up the cube and put it back to the start.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
Types4x4, Rubik's Cube
Dimensions6.7 cm X 6.7 cm X 6.7 cm / 2.6 in x 2.6 in x 2.6 in
PackagingPlastic Clamshell

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Product Info

The Rubik’s Cube is a classic colour-matching puzzle that can be enjoyed at home or on the move. Solved the 3x3x3 and looking for a new challenge? The Rubik’s Revenge is the 4x4x4 version of the original classic Rubik’s Cube. Also known as the Rubik’s Revenge or the Master Cube, it promises timeless problem-solving fun.

The Rubik’s Revenge Cube was invented by Peter Sebesteny and was released in 1981. This cube has gone on to become one of the most popular problem-solving toys in the world! This 4x4 is tiled.

Unlike the original puzzle Cube, this Rubik’s Cube has no fixed facets: the center facets (four per face) are free to move to different positions.

The Rubik’s Cube Is All About Smart Play

The Rubik’s Cube is all about smart play and is guaranteed to improve your muscle memory and hand-eye coordination. A puzzle toy that is not only about fun but improving your motor and problem-solving skills. What are you waiting for? Go on play smart!

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