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Cast Cyclone
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Cast Cyclone

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ObjectDisassemble and Reassemble the Puzzle
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesKyoo Wong, Hanayama Metal Puzzles
DimensionsApprox. 5.5 cm x 5 cm x 3 cm / 2.2 in x 2 in x 1.2 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Note: Our level rating system is different than Hanayama's.  Hanayama's level 1 is equivalent to our level 5.... level 6 is equivalent to our level 10.

The Cast Cyclone is a puzzle in which each of the four individual pieces interlock with the other three.  While all the pieces initially look the same, there are in fact two different kinds of pieces.   The design of each ring has been carefully calculated, highly restricting the amount of possible movement and creating an extremely puzzling puzzle - a creative addition to a long line of challenging puzzles by Hanayama! 

In order for you to fully experience the "fun" and "agony" of solving the puzzle, no solutions are provided.  Give it your best shot and who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised by your achievement.

The difficulty level was decided to be "5" (out of "6") by the user voting campaign, where avid puzzle lovers got to have some input regarding the complexity of the puzzle.  

Designed by: Kyoo Wong

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