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Constantin Games: After Party
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Constantin Games: After Party

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ObjectStack and balance pieces on top of each other.
BrandRecent Toys
TypesJean Claude Constantin, Wood Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Stack and Balance Game!  The night is always still young with these party puzzles. Play with friends, taking turns to stack everything from the party. The last person to lay a piece on the stack without knocking it over is the winner! Too easy? Now have a stacking speed competition with the included miniature hourglass.

Play for precision: Take turns placing a piece into the base.  The lasy player to place a piece without knocking anything over wins!
Play for time: Use the sand timer to see who can stack the most pieces in one minute.
Play for height: Use the sand timer and ruler to see who can make the hightest stack in one minute. 

Ruler and sandtimer are included!

Players: 1 - 4
Ages: 14+

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