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Five Fit - Small Version with Cover
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Five Fit - Small Version with Cover

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ObjectFit all five pieces into the large opening.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandCreative Crafthouse
TypesPacking Puzzles, Dave Janelle, Stewart Coffin
Dimensions13.9 cm x 11 cm x 1.7 cm / 5.5 in x 4.3 in x 0.7 in

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This is such an interesting puzzle!  Looks like anyone should be able to solve it minutes, since its only 5 pieces.  Yet, it is SO much more difficult than it first appears!  It makes a fantastic desk or coffee table puzzle as people will want to try it and tend to get pulled into the puzzle, not wanting to give up.  You can attempt it in seconds and always seem to get close....

The pieces are made from various woods, nicely finished on both sides. They are 1/4" thick so are nice durable and have a great feel.  There will be at least 3 different woods used. This version comes with a wooden cover.

It comes with the solution, but try not to look!
The design is documented as #177A by Stewart Coffin. 

Made in the USA by Creative Crafthouse.

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