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Nova Plexus - Brass
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Nova Plexus - Brass

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ObjectAssemble the 12 rods to form a self-supporting structure.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandTwo Brass Monkeys
TypesGeoff Wyvill, More Metal Puzzles
DimensionsEach rod is 10 cm long
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

The objective of the Nova Plexus is create a self supporting structure made from 12 identical, precisely made metal rods. It is a Puzzle Sculpture that has been over 40 years in the making.  Geoff Wyvill first designed Nova Plexus and originally intended a limited edition of 500 made from quarter inch stainless steel. He made 26 and then moved to New Zealand and didn't make any more.

40 years later... Two Brass Monkeys has worked with Geoff to complete the limited edition. They've also made this brass edition (unlimited) of the puzzle/sculpture.

This item includes all of the following :

  • A brass copy of Nova Plexus
  • A Monkey-head pouch to hold the Nova Plexus pieces while it is unassembled
  • Rubber bands to help with assembly of the puzzle.

The feature picture shows an assembled copy of the brass Nova Plexus.

Please note that this puzzle sculpture does not come with a solution.

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