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Monopoly Deal - Card Game
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Monopoly Deal - Card Game

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ObjectCollect 3 complete Property Card sets in different colors.
TypeCard Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

The Monopoly Brand Deal Card Game is all the fun of the Monopoly game in a quick-playing card game. It comes with 110 cards including Property Cards, Rent Cards, House and Hotel Cards, and Wild Property Cards. Action Cards let players do things such as charge rent and make tricky deals. House and Hotel Cards raise rent values. Wild Property Cards help players build Property sets. And, players pay their debts with Money Cards. Be the first player to collect 3 complete Property Card sets in different colors to win. This card game is a great way to play the Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game in as little as 15 minutes!

• Includes 110 cards and game rules.

• The fun of a Monopoly game played with cards
• Get a quick game in; it only takes about 15 minutes to play
• Use Action Cards to charge rent and make tricky deals
• Collect 3 Property Card sets to win

• Ages 8 and up
• For 2 to 5 players

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