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Constantin Puzzles: Metal Telephone
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Constantin Puzzles: Metal Telephone

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ObjectRemove the handset from the rest of the telephone.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandRecent Toys
TypesJean Claude Constantin, Constantin Wire
DimensionsApprox. 13.5 cm x 10 cm x 2 cm / 5.3 in x 3.9 in x 0.8 in
Packagingplastic box

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Product Info

That sounds like the phone ringing. Before you answer, you will need to untangle the handset from the base...  A larger (yet still hand-sized) puzzle that is perfect as a gift or simply to entertain the puzzle lover!  Comes displayed in a plastic gift box.

Jean Claude Constantin is unquestionably, one of the most prolific puzzle inventors of the past 30 years. His creations make beautifully unique gifts and his wire puzzles are inspired by everyday objects such as a bicycle, telephone and light bulb. Truly a gift to challenge the mind and one to be delighted to give or receive.

Manufacturer difficulty rating: 4 out of 5
Ages: 14+
Brand: Recent Toys

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