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MiniPunk Kit - Mini Wooden DIY Puzzle Box
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MiniPunk Kit - Mini Wooden DIY Puzzle Box

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ObjectAssemble the pieces to create your own working "safe".
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandNKD Puzzle
TypesWooden Puzzle Boxes, Wooden Models & Kits, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes
Dimensions7.5 x 8 x 9 cm / 3 in x 3.2 in x 3.5 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces48

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Please note: Outer label is written in French, but illustrated instructions are written in both French and English.

If your passion is to assemble construction kits and create exceptional works, rest assured that these models will satisfy your desire and artistic talent.  Made and created in Lodéve, France, the pieces are precisely laser cut and ready to be assembled.  This mini puzzle box or 5 movement coin box with gears and articulated mechanisms is made from top quality plywood; it's a 100% eco-responsible model. A fantastic gift for occasions like birthdays, Christmas, or Father's Day!

The kit comes with pre-cut pieces, glue, sandpaper, and paraffin as well as instructions.  Glue is not required for the model to be funtional, however, for greater durability you are advised to glue some parts. Other tools that are not included, but may be required to assemble are: Cutter, Spring clamps, tissue, and wood file.

Materials: Poplar veneer.
Dimensions: 7.5 x 8 x 9 cm
Pieces: 48
Ages: 14+
Manufacturer's Assembly Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 5
Manufacturer's Puzzle Difficulty Rating: 2 out of 5

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