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ObjectRelease the end cap from the tumbler.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandJon Keegan
TypesJon Keegan, Premium Collectible Puzzles
Dimensions5 cm diameter x 7.6 cm tall
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Designer Jon Keegan is a graduate student at The University Of Oklahoma enrolled in the Gallogly College Of Aerospace And Mechanical Engineering.  His puzzle story started in 2014 when he purchased his first puzzle from Wil Strijbos, the highly popular Aluminum Cross

In 2017-18 he enrolled in a series of Design and Manufacturing Process courses at University where his first puzzle idea came to fruition, ‘The Tumbler’, which was his start into the puzzle world.

The Tumbler draws inspiration from Wil Strijbo's classic cylinder puzzle. This puzzle contains unique internal geometries and adds extra difficulty by introducing a rotating bottom end cap. Added slots and indicating marks are included to aid the puzzling experience.


1) Use indicating marks to find puzzle alignment.
2) Release tumblers into body of puzzle
3) Release tumbler end cap

Twist turn shake solve learn. No external tools required. No force required. All movements are gravity-assisted. 

Materials:  6061 Aluminum, Ball Bearings
Classification: Mechanical Take-Apart

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