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Salt Water Fuel Cell Kit - Baja Runner
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Salt Water Fuel Cell Kit - Baja Runner

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ObjectAssemble a salt water powered car.
BrandCIC Robotic Kits
TypeScience Kits
Dimensions3.46 in x 2.17 in x 4.65 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

The Salt Water Fuel Cell Baja Runner is the larger brother of the award winning Salt Water Fuel Cell Car. It is more than twice the size and only 29 assembly parts! At 3.46 inches wide, 2.17 inches high, and 4.65 inches in length, this huge wheeled vehicle is designed and intended to facilitate transport via salt water fuel technology.

How does this eco-friendly technology work? After activating the magnesium fuel cell module with a saltwater mixture, the chemical reaction generates electricity using salt water as an electrolyte to power the on-board motor. The magnesium metal sheet can operate the Salt Water Fuel Cell Baja Runner for about 5-7 hours continuously.  The magnesium metal sheet inside the car is a consumable item, one sheet can have the car run for about 4 hrs continuously. The kit included 3 refills.

Budding scientists are just a few drops of salt water away from discovering the magic of this new form of clean energy and embracing a new eco-friendly concept that might have possibilities in the future.

Ages: 8+
No batteries required.
Instructions included.

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