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Aluminum Cylinder - AKA First Cylinder
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Aluminum Cylinder - AKA First Cylinder

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ObjectOpen the Cylinder
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandWil Strijbos
TypesWil Strijbos, Premium Collectible Puzzles
Dimensions5.1 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm / 2 in x 1.6 in x 1.6 in

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Product Info

This is a very high quality puzzle coming from Wil Strijbos.  The object is to open up the cylinder.  Looks very nice and is quite challenging to open.

Designed by: Wil Strijbos

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4.6 rating

5 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Saturday March 6th Sean H. wrote,
Excellent puzzle by Wil Strijbos. Very well made as are all of WilS puzzles. Took me about 20 mins. to solve this one. I definitely recommend this. 8 total pieces.
    On Sunday May 10th Stephen wrote,
First ever puzzle and thought this would be perfect during quarantine. It was definitely worth it. Well designed and difficult. Took about 20 minutes to take apart and about twice that long to put it back together. I think the reassembly is the real puzzle. Lots of fun!
    On Monday March 2nd Ian wrote,
This is a lovely little puzzle. It looks good, feels great in the hands and is clearly well made. I found it pretty tricky to solve (it took me about an hour, but I'm not a fast puzzler). Strangely I found reassembly more difficult, despite having seen the inner mechanism. I'm now working my way through Strijbos' Aluminium Cross, which has so far been a slight more enjoyable experience.
    On Thursday June 27th D Wilson wrote,
I love this puzzle. Very neat and sleek design, solution is not too difficult but hard enough that you'll scratch your head at times. Definitely a level 8. Only reason I am giving it 4 stars is because reassembling it can be a challenge. One of the inner pieces can be a bit flimsy and the other pieces can get caught on it sometimes. Only with reassembly though.
    On Thursday January 10th Jim wrote,
Very interesting puzzle. Takes a while to solve but once you have figured out the inner workings it is still a challenge. Remember the Roman Numeral V is on there for a reason.
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