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Penny Packer 16
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Penny Packer 16

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ObjectFit all 16 pennies flat into the large opening.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandCreative Crafthouse
TypesPacking Puzzles, Dave Janelle
Dimensions11.4 cm x 11.3 cm x 0.9 cm / 4.5 in x 4.5 in x 0.4 in

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Product Info

Based on the popularity of the 10 Penny Puzzle, Creative Crafthouse did some research to find a more challenging penny packing model.

This is it….. your goal is to put 16 pennies (mint pennies provided with puzzle) into the quadrant sized opening.   There is one unique solution and the pennies will just fit.   They use 74.7% of the available area.  Good luck finding it quickly… 20 minutes would be an excellent solution time.

Base is cut from floorboard for durability, water and scratch resistance and to give it a nice weight and feel.  Top section is birch ply. 

Solution is provided with the puzzle.

Made in the USA by ©Creative Crafthouse

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