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Rubik's Triamid
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Rubik's Triamid

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ObjectManipulate so that all four sides are uniform in color.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypeRubik's Cube
PackagingPlastic Clamshell

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Product Info

The Rubik's Triamid is an intriguing mechanical puzzle.  Like the Rubik's Cube, the objective is to manipulate the puzzles until all the sides are uniform in color.  There are some key differences! There are of 10 individual pieces, four joining sections, and four colorful sides that need to be solved.  It is easy to disassemble, but very tricky to reassemble correctly.

HINT: One of the features that makes the Rubik's Triamid difficult for a first-time user is the fact that about one third of the pieces' sides are hidden from view (they are inside of the Triamid). You will see many colors that aren't important to solving the puzzle. To solve the Rubik's Triamid, you must recognize which pieces are CORNERS and which pieces are EDGES. First, put the corners in their places and then solve the edges. Because of its versatility in moves, the Rubik's Triamid can be solved from any starting position.

Ages: 8+

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