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Butterfly XT Yo-Yo
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Butterfly XT Yo-Yo

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TypeYo Yo's & Tops
PackagingPlastic Clamshell

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Based on the world famous Butterfly®, the Butterfly XT™ is a classic design with modern technology. It features a ball-bearing axle, offering 10x the spin time of the original Butterfly®. It boasts a take-apart design for easy knot removal and starburst response design for snappy returns to the hand. These features make Butterfly XT™ perfect for a beginner to intermediate player looking for high performance at a great price!

Features flare shape, steel axle, and durable body that can withstand impact, this is an excellent yo-yo for learning the basics.

Weight: 52.2 grams
Response: Starburst
Material: Plastic
Skill Level: Intermediate

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