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ObjectRearrange digits to sequential order.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypeSliding Pieces Puzzles
Dimensions17.3 cm long / 6.8 in long
PackagingPlastic Box

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Product Info

Tri-Trick is an innovative 3-level puzzle. Its ingenious game design is very simple yet surprisingly challenging!

Tri-Trick has only one simple rule: Any three adjacent digits form a group, which can be exchanged with another group. And, the goal of the game is to arrange nine scrambled digits into sequential order by exchanging them.

There is a golden rule of IQ puzzle design: More combinations makes a game more challenging. So a 4 x 4 cube is definately harder than a 3 x 3 one.

As a 3-level puzzle, Tri-Trick goes the opposite way: The lesser combinations makes the game much more challenging! Sounds like impossible? That's why Tri-Trick's game design is so unique.

Due to its ingenious game design, each level of Tri-Trick is a big challenge. On level one, you play the game with 9 digits. Its combination possibility is over 360,000. On level three, you play the game with 7 digits. Its combination possibility is about 5,000, but it is a lot harder than level one!

Tri-Trick gives a lot of fun to people who love challenges. If you like puzzle games, there's no reason to miss it!
Comes with instructions.


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