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ObjectConstruct 3D figures based on 2D images.
TypesMichael & Robert Lyons, Stacking Puzzles, Puzzles - Children
PackagingCardboard Box

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Logical analysis comes into play while players attempt to reconstruct 3D structures based on 2D horizontal flat views. The game becomes really intense as you reach the upper levels.  Include 55 different challenges.

Perspecto is part of the Architecto line, which consists of 4 exquisite games of spatial visualization. In these games, players progress at their own rhythm, as puzzles gradually become more challenging. All games include the same set of Geoblocks and a spiral book with 6 color-coded levels of difficulty. It is recommended that this game is played as the last of the line, as you will use concepts learned in the others that will help in this one.

18 Geoblocks
1 booklet that includes the rules, 55 models and the solutions

Ages: 8+
Players: 1+

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